Will the treatment be painful?

We will take every measure to ensure that your procedure is in no way uncomfortable or painful. If treatment is needed, we will inject a small amount of anesthesia to gently numb a concentrated area of your mouth. For most patients, the feeling of numbness usually subsides after 2-3 hours.

How long will the procedure take?

Most procedures take approximately one hour. We request that you arrive 15 minutes before your appointment time to fill out necessary paperwork and sign any consent forms.

Will I need someone to drive me to and from my appointment?

No, unless you have taken an anti-anxiety prescription (i.e. Xanax, Valium, etc.) prescribed by Dr. Clinton or another physician.

Will I be able to return to work or school after treatment?

Typically you will be able to return to work or school the day of treatment.

Should I take my daily medications the day of treatment?

Yes. You will need to take all prescribed medications as usual.

Will I have to have x-rays?

Yes. Even though your general dentist may have taken x-rays, it is our office procedure to take pre-op and post-op x-rays. We use an advanced computerized system, called digital radiography that produces radiation levels up to 80-90 percent lower than those of already low dose conventional dental x-ray machinery. These digital images can be optimized, archived, reprinted and sent to other healthcare practitioners via e-mail or disk.

May I eat before I have my procedure?

Yes. You may eat before your procedure.

Is payment due the day of treatment?

Yes. Payment is due the day of treatment. We will provide you with an estimate prior to treatment.

Do you provide a payment plan?

No. We do, however, accept CareCredit. CareCredit is a healthcare credit card that offers zero interest for a 6-12 month period. You may apply online at www.carecredit.com or by calling 1-800-365-8295.

We also accept all major credit cards.

Will my insurance claim be filed for me?

Yes. We will electronically file your insurance claim the day of your procedure. We will provide an estimate of the patient’s portion due upon service.

Do I need a referral from a general dentist?

Most of our patients are referred by their general dentists. However, many patients who have seen us for their endodontic procedures had such a great experience that they have returned for other procedures. Many often refer their family, friends, and coworkers. If your symptoms do not indicate the need for root canal treatment, then we will refer you back to your general dentist for appropriate care.

Where is the office located?

We are located in the PennMarc Centre at 6401 Poplar Avenue Suite 260 Memphis, TN 38119.

Directions are provided as well as a map on our website.


What happens after treatment?

Your endodontic treatment is now completed. The root canals have been cleaned, disinfected, and sealed. If recommended by our office, please contact your dentist promptly for an appointment to place a crown. This will protect the tooth against fracture and further decay. Most teethe with root canals usually require a crown or cap. Delay in obtaining a crown may result in fracture or possible loss of tooth.

May I eat after treatment?

You may eat as soon as the numbness has worn off. The treated area may be sore for several days up to a few weeks as a result of the manipulation during the treatment. It is not unusual to have some swelling in the gum area around the tooth. It is important to keep the area clean. Avoid chewing on that side of your mouth until tenderness has subsided.

How long will I be sore and/or have pain?

After root canal treatment has been completed, your level of discomfort varies from patient to patient. Although some patients experience no pain, some discomfort is normal. Reduction of inflammation will in turn reduce pain, this may take a few days and in some cases up to a few weeks. It is important to follow the instructions given by Dr. Clinton regarding post-operative medications.

Will I need Post-Operative Medications?

Please take all medications as prescribed by Dr. Clinton.

Antibiotics: If prescribed, take as directed until all medication has been taken. If you have any reactions, discontinue immediately and notify the office. Be aware that antibiotics inhibit the effectiveness of birth control.

Pain Medications: If prescribed, take as needed and as directed. If any adverse reactions occur, discontinue and notify the office.

Should I continue to brush and floss after my root canal?

Continue to brush and floss in order for the tissue around the tooth to stay healthy. The tissue around the tooth will be sensitive, be gentle. Rinse the tooth with warm water and salt (1/4 tsp per 8 oz. of water).

Should I apply heat for swelling?

DO NOT APPLY HEAT to the outside of your face under any circumstance.